Film based on Che's memoirs released |
"In nine months a man can think a lot of thoughts, from the height of philosophical conjecture to the most abject longing for a bowl of soup ... I now leave you with myself; the man I once was." ? Ernesto Che Guevara
Although his iconic status and charisma in modern world is undisputed, Che Guevara?s portrayal on the film has been down to few dismal attempts. Richard Fleischer?s ?Che? (1969) was slated by the critics and un-welcomed the audience, despite the timing (released very soon after Che?s death) and attractive, if somewhat miscast acting team (Omar Sharif as Che, Jack Palance as Fidel!!!). The other known effort on Guevara was Italian film ?El ?Che? Guevara? (1968) with then popular Francisco Rabal as a legendary comandante, but it received equally disastrous reception.
And that had been all, when, all of a sudden, two films appeared putting the great revolutionary back on a movie map. One of them with working title ?Che Guevara? is still in pre-production, believed to be directed by eccentric Terrence Malick (?Badlands?, ?Days of Heaven?, ?The Thin Red Line?) with Benicio Del Toro in the main role. The other one, ?The Motorcycle Diaries?, has been released and, more importantly, has received very good reviews.
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?The Motorcycle Diaries? is based on Guevara?s memoir book "The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey Around South America" and is about his trip as a youth riding across South America on a motorcycle. This is the true story of a 23-year-old medical student from Argentina, who traveled across South America on a motorcycle with his friend Alberto Granado (de la Serna) in 1951-1952, in a personal odyssey which would ultimately inspire him to become a revolutionary who had a profound impact on the history of several nations. The duo has a series of adventures that vary from the suspenseful (stowing away on a cargo ship, exploring Incan ruins) to the comedic (falling off their bikes, falling in love, drinking, fighting... drinking some more) to the serious (volunteering as firemen, and at a leper colony).
Full of high drama and comedy, The Motorcycle Diaries is the story of a remarkable road journey in the words of a 23-year-old medical student known as "Che." The whole film is in Spanish, although it is produced by Robert Redford. It is directed by Walter Salles (Central Station) and starring the young Mexican actor Gael García Bernal (Y Tu Mama También) as Che. Also, Guevara?s memoirs are being re-released to accompany the film.
Film is currently looking for a distributor in the UK and US.